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Video Tutorials

This page contains technical assistance videos which provide step-by-step guidance to assist with the Civil Rights Data Collection process. These videos provide guidance for using the tools, submitting data and completing data submission using the CRDC Submission System.

EDCOP Paragraph

These videos are designed to familiarize new users with the collection. New users will learn about the Civil Rights Data Collection, how to register, how to use the submission system and how to navigate the CRDC Resource Center.

CRDC Resource Center Overview

CRDC Resource Center Overview

This video guides users through various resources available on the Communities360 website and demonstrates ways to utilize the tools available to their full potential.

Submission System Navigation

Submission System Overview

This video outlines how to navigate through the online CRDC Submission System.

These videos provide guidance about the individual modules which are most useful when coupled with the local education agency’s (LEA) specific data quality spreadsheet.

SSPR video image

Students, Schools, & Programs, Schools, Students, & Programs (SSPR)

This video guides users through the CRDC Submission System to illustrate how to complete the SSPR module from the LEA Form.

CRCO video image

Civil Rights Coordinator and Desegregation Plan Module (CRCO)

This video guides users through the CRDC Submission System to illustrate how to complete the CRCO module from the LEA Form.

HIBD video image

Harassment & Bullying (HIBD)

This video guides users through the CRDC Submission System to illustrate how to complete the HIBD module from the School Form.

DSED video image

DSED: Distance Education (DSED)

This video guides users through the CRDC Submission System to illustrate how to complete the DSED module from the LEA Form.

HSEE video image

High School Equivalency Exam (HSEE)

This video guides users through the CRDC Submission System to illustrate how to complete the HSEE module from the LEA Form.

These videos provide guidance about the individual modules which are most useful when coupled with the school's specific data quality spreadsheet.

APIB video image

Advanced Placement & International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme Enrollment (APIB)

This video guides users through the CRDC Submission System to illustrate how to complete the APIB module from the School Form.

ATHL video image

Single-Sex Interscholastic Athletics (ATHL)

This video guides users through the CRDC Submission System to illustrate how to complete the ATHL module from the School Form.

ARRS video image

ARRS: Student Discipline (Referrals to Law Enforcement & School-Related Arrests (ARRS)

This video guides users through the CRDC Submission System to illustrate how to complete the ARRS module from the LEA Form.

COUR video image

Courses and Classes (COUR)

This video guides users through the CRDC Submission System to illustrate how to complete the COUR module from the School Form.

DISC video image

Student Discipline (Suspension, Expulsion, Corporal Punishment) (DISC)

This video 1) provides clarification on the form instructions and definitions, and  2) provides examples of how to report, with a focus on clarifying the difference between reporting counts of students vs. illustrate how to complete the DISC module from the School Form.

EXAM video image


This video guides users through the CRDC Submission System to illustrate how to complete the EXAM module from the School Form.

HBIS video image

Harassment or Bullying (HIBS)


This video guides users through the CRDC Submission System to illustrate how to complete the INET module from the School Form.


INET video image

Internet Access and Devices (INET)

This video guides users through the CRDC Submission System to illustrate how to complete the INET module from the School Form.

JUST video image

Justice Facilities (JUST)

This video guides users to navigate the Justice Facilities module which collects School level data from justice facilities or schools that meet the justice facility definition.

OFFN video image

Offenses (OFFN)

This video provides helpful tips and to demonstrate how to accurately report offenses. It also provides key definitions and frequently asked questions to assist data submitters while determining how to accurately report offenses.

PSCH video image

Preschool (PSCH)

This video guides users through the CRDC Submission System to illustrate how to complete the PSCH module from the School Form.


SCHR video image

School Characteristics (SCHR)

This video guides users through the CRDC Submission System to illustrate how to complete the SCHR module from the School Form.

STAF video image

School and School Support Staff (STAF)

This video guides users through the CRDC Submission System to illustrate on how to complete the STAF module from the LEA Form.

SECR video image

School Security Staff (SECR)

This video guides users through the CRDC Submission System to illustrate on how to complete the SECR module from the LEA Form.

RETN video image

Retention (RETN)

This video guides users through the CRDC Submission System to illustrate on how to complete the RETN module from the LEA Form.

RSTR video image

Restraint and Seclusion (RSTR)

This video guides users through the CRDC Submission System to illustrate on how to complete the RSTR module from the LEA Form.

These videos provide technical and administrative guidance including submission system navigation assistance, troubleshooting, and template and flat file support.

CRDC at the Forum video image

CRDC at the Forum with the Office for Civil Rights (OCR)

The U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights held a CRDC Roundtable on July 23, 2024. The session presents a demo of their website and preparing for the submission of data for the 2023-24 CRDC.

Submission System Overview video image

Submission System Navigation Overview

This video navigates users through the CRDC Submission System and helps familiarize users with various tools required for ensuring the submission of high quality data.

Managing Permissions video image

Managing Users and Setting Permissions

This video contains information on managing (adding/removing), and setting permissions for users in the CRDC Submission System.


1. Creating new accounts
2. LEA vs SCH Admin vs Staff
3. Permissions - Read/Write Access

Deletion Requests

Deletion Requests

This video provides information on how to submit deletion requests for LEAs and Schools, how to complete the request and what to expect once the request is submitted.

Using Excel Templates video image

Using Excel Templates

This video illustrates the process for entering the data into the excel templates and saving the data in the required flat file format.

Submitting Flat Files video image

Submitting Flat Files

This video provides instructions on how to accurately submit Flat Files to the CRDC Submission System and troubleshoot errors.

Troubleshooting Flat Files

Troubleshooting Flat Files

This video provides instructions on how to troubleshoot Flat File errors after uploading to the Submission System.

Submitting a Quick Plan

The purpose of this video is to determine whether users should submit a Quick Plan for their missing data and how to complete a Quick Plan.